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This attractive variety produces glossy emerald foliage with a luscious red new growth that appears in autumn. Acmena's are incredibly popular as a hedging or screening plant suited to most gardens or landscapes. They produce clusters of small white flowers followed by vibrant purple berries which are edible. Acmena smithii Red Head is a very hardy native and does have a strong resistance to psyllids, wind, cold and is also a fire retardant species. Plant Red Head in well-drained to heavy clay soils and exposed to full to part shade. It can be grown as a shrub or an attractive small specimen tree. Red Head is a low-maintenance plant as it has low water requirements. Regular fertilizing will ensure an abundance of new growth. Red Head will grow to a height of 6 m with a width of 2 m.

Lilly Pilly Acmena Red Head 'BWNRED' (PBR)

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