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Pyrus Winter Glow is a highly ornamental, deciduous tree with an upright, vase-shaped growth habit. A key highlight of this specimen is the vibrant autumn foliage and the addition of extended foliage through to winter, hence the name. With tones of bright red, Winter Glow provides an alternative foliage display during the colder months. During spring large displays of white flowers appear on the bare branches. An ideal tree for providing shade or a feature in street plantings, parks or large residential gardens. They look spectacular when lined through narrow streets or avenues. Plant in an area of full sun, with humus rich and well drained soils. This particular variety is highly disease resistant, as well as tolerant of wind damage and is relatively low maintenance. Water well until established. Use a good quality mulch to retain moisture. Pyrus Winter Glow can grow to a height of 12m and a width of 4m.

Ornamental Pear "Pyrus call. Winter Glow"

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